Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

28.03.24 06:23 PM By Audrey

Here Comes The Sun...

    Happy Easter everybody! How exciting it is to finally be spring. As the warm weather and green grass kicks back in, so do the Fairy Yardfathers. What steps are you going to take to keep your yard in ship-shape this year? There are several things you can do that are not that difficult but make your area look fabulous. Here are some simple tips to add to your routine:

    One thing you can do is to keep the plants you have trimmed up. During the growing season, it doesn’t take long for bushes and flower beds to get a little out of hand. So a good trim every now and then will look clean-cut. Also, if you have a walkway, trimming up the edges can change the whole look of it. Adding some outdoor furniture can create a cozy and charming place for you to relax. And to put the cherry on top, putting up lights along the ground or strung on a pergola can really make your relaxation spot beautiful. 

    In the end, spring is a time of renewal. So let’s all bloom with the flowers and get ready for the sunshine! Happy Easter everybody!
