Martin Presence Blog

Martin Presence Blog

Happy 4th of July!

01.07.24 01:00 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

                      Happy Almost 4th of July! Our sweet nation is 247 years old this year. How do you spend your holiday? If you’re anything like me, you eat. A lot. The best holiday to use as an ex...

Hurricanes and Sharks!

18.06.24 02:57 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

                Good morning everybody! I hope your June is going great so far! It’s still pretty rainy and dreadfully hot. But, it makes great for a nap. (Anyone else on a two week nap streak?) Speaking of weather, we’re sta...


08.06.24 03:12 AM By Audrey - Comment(s)

June already! How are we halfway through 2024? It seems like I was just throwing the confetti for 2020 (oh dear what a year). 

This year, June is actually super busy! First of all, big shout out to our #1 man, Corey Martin– his birthday is the 8th! But if you want to know how old he is, you’ll h...

Memorial Day

23.05.24 03:47 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

    Happy summer everyone! Busy life is winding down. I don’t know about y’all, but I plan to have a to-do list full of nothing! After the rain we’ve had, I am so happy to welcome this beautiful weather and sunshine. This coming Monday is Memorial Day. The perfect hamburger and hotdog...

Happy Summer!

23.05.24 03:47 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)
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