

Blog tagged as #makingourblogknown

Cozyin' Up To October

03.10.24 02:00 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

        Happy October, folks! Yes, autumn has officially begun, and your pumpkin spice latte is back on the rack. We’re breaking out the pumpkins, the colors, the cider, and candles. What’s on your to-do list to get your house season-ready? As far as clothes go, we got ...

Football Fun, Son. 

18.09.24 07:58 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)


            The season may be changing but the Martin Presence Group is consistent! Yes, the leaves are turning colors but our company is turning pages! With an increasing amount ...

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

30.07.24 03:00 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

        This past week has been a rainy mess! About all it’s good for is a nap!! In the midst of this rain and slush, it makes it incredibly difficult to keep your outside plants healthy. But lucky for you, the Martin Presence Group knows a thing or two about the o...

Diamonds In The Rough

16.07.24 10:02 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

          Hello, hello! I hope you guys are staying cool in all this heat. Whatever summer projects you have going on, just be sure to hydrate! Speaking of summer projects, that’s what the Martin Presence Group is all about! And fixer-uppers are their favorite kind. Buy...

Happy 4th of July!

01.07.24 01:00 PM By Audrey - Comment(s)

                      Happy Almost 4th of July! Our sweet nation is 247 years old this year. How do you spend your holiday? If you’re anything like me, you eat. A lot. The best holiday to use as an ex...
